Not all of our publications are available for eBook rental. To find out which titles offer eBook rental, look for the eBook rental link displayed below the print book title in our catalogue.
All eBooks available for rental are provided through the Kortext eBook platform. You can enjoy reading them online or offline (via Kortext's eReader app - download links [Here]) on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Our eBook platform offers valuable features like audio playback and note-taking to enhance your reading experience.
Please note: Our eBooks are non-printable.
We offer three rental options to suit your needs: 4 weeks, 26 weeks, and 52 weeks.
For eBooks rented through our catalogue, a Kortext account will be automatically created using the email address you provided during checkout. To access your eBook(s), simply reset your password using the "Reset Password" function [Here]. Once you reset your password, you can log in and start reading.
If you already have a Kortext account, ensure you use the same email address to avoid access issues.